
Saturday, 7 March 2015


Meet Josh,a 27 year-old man who lives in in Ohio. He has a weird addiction, he loves to eat glass. His intention to eat glasses wasn't for shows or any weird events to gain attention no, he eats glass and are addicted to it

 He has been eating glass up to 5 times a week and had consumed more than 250 light bulbs and 100 glasses in his lifetime. Oh and not to miss out, he also swallows live bullets. Yes, LIVE BULLETS. 

Josh likes to use his stomach as a party trick where he consumes the most glass when in front of a group. That's right, it is probable that Josh is doing this for attention. Eventhough some people loves to eat glasses for a daily basis like Josh, but the most plausible reason that he is addicted to this mysterious addiction this is because of in attention.
Although Josh says he knows eating glass could be dangerous, he admits that he doesn't do it alone but prefers to eat it in front of others at parties and get-togethers. "I love reactions I get from people," he says. "I guess more than anything, I'm really addicted to the attention." He just loves attention, especially people's reactions when he's eating glasses.

"When I bite into the glass, I just get like a warm feeling," he says. "Normally when I look for glass to eat I look for champagne glasses, wine glasses, light bulbs. The reason I pick these are because they're usually a thinner glass."  

The first reason Josh started eating glasses was  from a book that he was eating. "It was kind of scary at first and then when I realized that it didn't seem to be doing any damage to me, it got a lot easier for me to do." the Wooster, Ohio resident says.

Like seeking a thrill or a high in traditional ways (as in illegal drugs or alcohol), people who eat glass have a legitimate addiction as well. The addiction is called Hyalophagia or hyalophagy and is typically made public in stage shows. You may know the more renowned glass eaters, Preacher Muad’dib Todd Robbins, Matt the Knife, Josh Routh and Michel Lotito. Unfortunately, some people likeJosh carry this act further and eat glass on an everyday basis.


People who eat glass to fulfill their addiction or habit report experiencing a warm and satisfying feeling from the act. However, this addiction obviously has its risks. The esophogus can be perforated, along with other organs. Eventually, the glass finds its natural route to the toilet. But, this can also be painful and disturbing, to put it lightly.

The risks of swallowing glass or sharp objects depends on their size, shape and sharpness. Small pieces can travel right through the bowel and be passed normally without problems. The bigger the person, the larger the piece that can go through. In general, narrow objects pass through the bowel more easily and smooth ones are less likely to get caught.

Sharp objects such as glass fragments might be expected to cause damage but rarely do so because of the gentle way in which the bowel handles them. Small splinters or spikes could cause perforation but this is very unusual. A small perforation rarely leads to peritonitis and usually heals quickly with any leakage contained. Small fragments may also cause a little bleeding into the bowel which can be detected on tests in the stools but serious blood loss is very rare. Ground glass, despite its reputation in thrillers, has no serious effect on the bowel.

In case you are wondering, these items do show up in X-rays. Josh has seen a doctor for his glass eating addiction, thanks to the persuade of his fiance. It is unknown whether these deadly addictions will quickly kill the person or just shorten their lives. Research has not been done on these unusual addictions. Glass eaters like Josh can become attracted to the addiction through reading books about it, from friends or society and of course, through the Internet.


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